Thursday, July 24, 2008


are my saving grace.....I think I'd be going batshit crazy by now had I not found the time to read a few the mommyblogs these last couple of days. My 3 fabulous kids are engaging in age appropriate behaviors. The 6 -1/2 year old is starting to feel confident about her knowledge and finds it necessary to correct me in all 5 year old is feeling like he needs to reconnect with me at the end of the day and takes at least 3 hours to settle in for nearly 3 year old is engaging in the middle of the night visits and pee breaks, thus reducing my cell rebuilding to 4 hours instead of the required 7-1/2 hours that I sooooo desparately need.

And, of course, my loving husband is taking this opportunity to express his dismay with my lack of budgeting skills.

It's nice to know that I am not alone and that this too shall pass.....